Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West Hong Chi Morninghope School
Curriculum for Foundation

Chinese Language
Learning Goals:
To develop the four skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing in Chinese
To utilise one’s language skills as a tool to acquire other knowledge in order to cope with daily-life needs
To build a positive attitude, good habits and morals through reading materials
To develop the thinking strategies, problem solving skills and self-regulatory learning.
To recognize the characteristics of Chinese culture.
Curriculum Framework:
The school-based curriculum is based on the four main language skills:
Through listening to stories, conversations, speeches, etc., students will be able to pay attention and understand key messages in spoken texts.
Through activities such as dialogue exchange, reciting sentences, making descriptions, role-play, interviews, group discussions, etc., students will be able to express themselves through spoken words, the use of gestures, communication picture cards or the “Hong Chi Communication App”.
Through reading nursery rhymes, poems, stories, fairy tales, folktales, prose, shorts, practical writing activities, etc., students will be able to understand meanings of a range of vocabulary, sentences, paragraphs and passages.
Through writing practices on strokes, tracing characters, and copying vocabulary and sentences, students will be able to write following the stroke order with the appropriate pencil grip.
Through writing exercises, such as filling in the blanks, imitation, completing sentences, making sentences, filling out forms, completing a story, journal writing and practical writing activities, etc., students will be able to express themselves in a coherent manner.
Teachers observe the learning performance and participation of all students during their classes and through their written exercises. The evaluation will be recorded in the Unit Report to continuously assess the learning progress of the students.
By the end of each unit, there will be a summative assessment. The assessment includes tasks related to reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, in order to assess the students’ overall performance in that unit.
By the end of the school term, teachers will summarize and evaluate the performances of the students by looking at their performances during lessons and results from the summative assessment in each unit, in order to review the overall learning performances of the students.
Features of the Curriculum:
School-based curriculum, textbooks and exercise books are tailor-made according to the guidelines from the EDB and the abilities and needs of our students.
Lessons for peaking exercises are designed with our school’s speech therapists in order to enhance our students’ ability in listening, speaking and expressions.
We promote “reading to learn”, and incorporate storybooks into activities to develop the four language skills, in order to build an interest of reading in our students.
Remedial teaching is designed with the school occupational therapists for lower-achievers in writing, in order to enhance their visual and spatial skills, hand-eye coordination skills and writing skills.

General Studies
Learning Goals:
To understand their growth and development, develop a healthy lifestyle and respect for student themselves and others, and attach importance to harmonious interpersonal relationships;
To understand the development, characteristics and changes of the community in one’s neighbourhood as well as in other communities in Hong Kong.
To develop care and concern for the well-being of their families, the community of Hong Kong, the nation and the world; to develop the sense of responsibility, participate actively in school and group activities and serve the society.
To develop curiosity and interest in the natural world and technological world, as well as strengthen the ability for inquiry-based studies and promote student enquiry.
To understand the impact of science and technology on human society and the environment, and practise green living life style.
Curriculum Framework:
Health and Living:
KS1 (Mild ID): About Me, Vegetables and Fruits, Healthy Habits
KS1 (Moderate ID): About Me, I Can Do It, Common Food
KS2 (Mild ID): Healthy Diet, Health and Illnesses, Puberty (P6)
KS2 (Moderate ID): Healthy Diet, Exercises and Leisure, I am Growing Up (P6)
KS3 (Mild ID): My Body, Be a Happy Teenager, First Aid
KS3 (Moderate ID): Health and Illnesses, Proper Use of Leisure, How We Dress
People and Environment:
KS1 (Mild ID): Going to the Park, Green Angel, My Pets
KS1 (Moderate ID): Going to the Park, Weather and Everyday Life, Lovely Pets
KS2 (Mild ID): Water and Air, Animal World, Plant World
KS2 (Moderate ID): Love Our Environment, Plants, Water and Fire
KS3 (Mild ID): World Resources, Wonders of the Universe, Protecting Our Environment
KS3 (Moderate ID): Love of Nature, Animal World, World Resources
Science and Technology in Everyday Life
KS1 (Mild ID): Let’s Play
KS1 (Moderate ID): Home Life
KS2 (Mild ID): Sound, Light and Heat, Water and Air
KS2 (Moderate ID): Water and Fire, Home Electronic Appliances
KS3 (Mild ID): Electricity and Everyday Life, Mechanics and Everyday Life
KS3 (Moderate ID): Light and Sound, Information Technology
Community and Citizenship
KS1 (Mild ID): Our School, My Family, People Who Help Us, Going Shopping, Transportations
KS1 (Moderate ID): Our School, Transportations, My Family, People Who Help Us
KS2 (Mild ID): How We Dress, Sightseeing in Hong Kong, Living in Hong Kong
KS2 (Moderate ID): Restaurants, People Who Serve Us, Road Safety
KS3 (Mild ID): Home in Hong Kong, Being a Wise Consumer, First Aid
KS3 (Moderate ID): Being a Wise Consumer, I Love Hong Kong, Touring Around
National Identity and Chinese Culture
KS1 (Mild ID): China and HKSAR, I am Chinese
KS1 (Moderate ID): I am Chinese
KS2 (Mild ID): My Home Country
KS2 (Moderate ID): My Home Country
KS3 (Mild ID): China Now and Then, Chinese Culture
KS3 (Moderate ID): Chinese Culture
Global Understanding and the Information Era
KS1 (Mild ID): The World as One
KS1 (Moderate ID): World Festivals
KS2 (Mild ID): Media and I, Significant Events and Figures
KS2 (Moderate ID): Mass Media
KS3 (Mild ID): Exploring the World
KS3 (Moderate ID): Exploring the World
Teachers evaluate students’ performances through observation during classes (e.g. class participation, performance in written exercises, etc.), and record the information in Student Learning Plans and Unit Reports for continuous reviews on students’ learning progress.
There is a summative assessment after each unit to assess the overall learning performance of the students.
By the end of the school year, teachers summarize the class performance and results from the summative assessments from each unit in the Academic Reports to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the students’ overall learning performances and progress.
Features of the Curriculum:
The curriculum is designed with a unit-based approach, which comprises the components of Knowledge, Generic Skills, and Values and Attitudes in each unit.
Knowledge: The learning content covers the strands of Health and Living, People and Environment, Science and Technology in Everyday Life, Community and Citizenship, National Identity and Chinese Culture, Global Understanding and the Information Era in different Key Stages, such that students can progressively construct knowledge involved in different aspects.
Generic Skills: Through different learning activities, students can develop a range of learning skills, such as observation skills, making comparisons, analytical skill, data collection and handling, cooperation skills and life skills.
Values and Attitudes: Through different unit activities, students can foster a positive attitude towards individuals (e.g. living in harmony with others), surrounding things (e.g. care for school and respect rules), the society and world (e.g. pay attention to Olympics events).
The curriculum design puts an emphasis on learning through experiences. Thus, inquiry-based learning activities are used (e.g. conducting interviews, experiments, site visits, project-based learning) to allow students’ to initiate exploration of knowledge.
Through teaching different thinking strategies (e.g. making comparisons, the 5 senses method, 5W1H method, etc.) students are guided to think from multi-perspectives, to explore and to solve problems.
Besides the designed learning contents, students are encouraged to pay attention to current affairs and care for society. For example, students regularly make news-clipping booklets, analyze news reports and share their comments on current issues to raise their awareness towards things happening around them and understand the importance of these social events.

Learning Goals:
To understand and master basic concepts in Numbers and Algebra, Measures, Shape and Space, and Data Handling.
To master basic Mathematics concepts and operation skills to deal with needs in daily-life situations.
To use Mathematical language as a tool to express ideas.
To develop thinking strategies and problem-solving skills.
To foster interests and positive attitudes in Mathematics learning.
Curriculum Framework:
Numbers and Algebra
Understand the relationship between numbers and amounts
Understand the four number operations, i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Understand fractions and its calculation
Understand decimals and its calculation
Learn to solve application questions related to daily-life situations
Measures, Shape and Space
Recognize and differentiate objects that are identical/non-identical
Understand the concept of size and colours
Understand and apply the concept of length
Understand and apply the concept of time, date, weight, and volume
Understand and apply the concept of currency in Hong Kong
Understand 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes
Understand position of objects and the concept of four directions
Data Handling
Recognize basic concepts of representation of statistical data
Collect and group simple statistical data
Analyze and construct statistical charts
Besides observation of class participation and completed written exercises, students’ learning progress in each unit will also be reviewed through a summative assessment conducted during the final week of every unit. By the end of the school term, teachers will summarize the students’ performances by reviewing their class participation as well as the results from the summative assessments. Subject-based core skills assessment scales and the Learning Progression Framework (LPF) will also be used to analyze the discrepancies between students’ ability levels and the projected learning outcomes.
Features of the Curriculum:
In order to cater for the students’ learning diversities, lessons are conducted with students arranged in different ability groups to cope with their interests and needs.
Through working on class exercises and homework, simulated workshop training (for secondary section), shopping practices, etc., students learn to apply what is learned in the classroom to daily-life situations.
Students can participate in hands-on practices on purchasing items during the Shopping Practice lesson, which is held once a week at our school tuck shop. They can learn about the procedures when shopping, making payments and exchanges, and thus improve their operation skills with money.

English Language
We hope that with our English curriculum, our students will be able to:
Use English to think and communicate in different contexts, including everyday life situations and workplace communications;
Enjoy learning English through participating in a wide range of English learning activities;
Develop enabling skills such as phonics skills and vocabulary building skills;
Build up necessary skills and develop interests in reading a variety of texts; and
Build up basic generic skills that enable students to learn how to learn.

Features of School-based Curriculum:
1. Adaptation of Learning and Teaching Objectives
Teaching objectives are chosen at the students’ levels and adaptations are made according to the different students’ learning levels, abilities, interests and needs whenever appropriate. When adapting the objectives, we make reference to the school-based 10-Level Framework of Language Skills, which is adapted from the Learning Progression Framework (LPF) for English Language and English Language Key Learning Area Curriculum Guide (Key Stages 1-4) from the EDB.
2. Learning and Teaching Materials
Worksheets are designed with different levels in order to cater for learners’ diversity of each level.
Realia, photos, pictures, songs and video clips are used and adopted according to our students’ needs. Tailor-made music videos and other teaching aids (e.g., PowerPoint, iPad apps, RainbowOne exercises, reading exercises, games, activities) are also used in lessons and for revision so as to facilitate students’ learning.
Interactive and student-centred learning and teaching activities are used in order to arouse students’ interest, nurture and enhance the generic skills of the students.
3.Design of Textbooks and Exercises
The content and the amount of assignments are student-centred. The textbooks are designed according to the unit title, students’ abilities, interests, annual school theme, etc.
Tailor-made worksheets on reading, writing, listening and speaking are also prepared for consolidation. Other assignments include reading aloud at home, e-resources (e.g., YouTube videos, Powtoon videos, user accounts for online reading platforms) and electronic assignments (e.g., RainbowOne).

Learning Goals:
To strengthen skills in listening, speaking and reading aloud, and to improve self-learning skills.
To enhance the subject-related knowledge, and the understanding of the Chinese culture.
To promote interests in the subject, and to build up a positive learning attitude and habits
To strengthen conversation skills in Putonghua so as to adapt to daily needs.
Curriculum Framework:
The curriculum comprises of the three main aspects, i.e. listening, speaking, and reading aloud.
- Listening:
Through different texts, such as stories, conversations, songs, etc., students will be able to listen to details, recognize the articulations in Putonghua, and enhance a positive listening attitude.
Students will be able to recognize and understand the use of vocabulary related to daily-life situations.
Through role-play, dialogue practices, and contrived language contexts, students will build up experience and confidence in speaking Putonghua.
Students will be able to express their emotions and thoughts and build up good communication with others through enhancing their speaking skills.
Reading Aloud
Students will be able to accurately articulate vocabulary items and sentences when reading passages aloud.
Students will be able to use a natural tone, appropriate stresses and clear articulation when reading aloud in Putonghua.
Besides the development in listening, speaking and reading aloud skills, understanding of the Chinese culture, such as rituals in traditional festivals, traditional arts and tourist attractions, through the different themes introduced.
Teachers observe the learning performances of the students in daily teaching. The evaluation will be recorded in the Unit Report to assess the learning progress of the students at different stages.
By the end of the school term, teachers will summarize and evaluate the performances of the students by looking their performances during lessons, in order to review the overall learning performances and progress of the students.
Features of the Curriculum:
Songs and stories related to students’ personal experiences are used to increase interests of learning Putonghua.
Different electronic learning resources are used to enhance learning motivations and participations of the students.

Life Skills
Learning Goals:
To enhance students self-care ability and reduce reliance.
To strengthen the ability to adapt to the community life and raise awareness on safety and skills in crisis management.
To strengthen the work skills and workplace awareness so as to foster a positive working attitude.
To master the skills in leisure activities, so as to promote a habit and attitude of proper use of leisure time.
To strengthen the understanding of mental and physical characteristics during puberty, and to recognize mental and physical changes during puberty, so as to enhance skills in self-protection.
Curriculum Framework:
Self-care Skills
Primary Section: Personal hygiene, dressing and eating training
Secondary Section: Personal hygiene, dressing, and eatingtraining, personal appearance
Domestic Skills
Primary Section: Cleaning, tidying up the bed, using electronic appliances
Secondary Section: Cleaning, using electronic appliances
Social Adaptation
Primary Section: Basic communication manners, understanding and expressing, basic social adaptation skills, scenario-based training (e.g. shopping, eating, communing, leisure), knowledge of safety, problem-solving skills training
Secondary Section: Basic communication manners, understanding and expressing, basic social adaptation skills, integrated skills applications, scenario-based training (e.g. shopping, eating, communing, leisure), knowledge of safety, problem-solving skills training
Skills in the Workplace
Secondary Section: interview skills, basic work skills, understanding and experiencing different job types (workshops, cleaning, office workman, stock tallyman), positive work attitudes and habits, work safety
Sex Education
Primary Section: growth and development, self-protection, healthy lifestyle, cycle of life
Secondary Section: puberty, interpersonal relationships, self-protection, recognizing effects on oneself by abusive contents and social media
Assessments are conducted before the unit to set the learning baselines. Teachers design the learning goals, contents and plans according to the baseline assessment results, ability level, learning needs and daily needs of the students.
Teachers perform progress evaluations after each unit, and record in the Student Learning Plans and Unit Reports to review students’ learning performances. Learning contents will be adjusted according to the learning progress of the students when necessary.
By the end of the school term, teachers will summarize and evaluate the performances of the students and record in their Academic Report, in order to review the overall learning performances and progress of the students.
Features of the Curriculum:
Students’ current performance and living environment are considered when designing the teaching plans and learning activities. Learning contents are therefore practical and close to student’s daily life.
We put an emphasis on teaching in authentic contexts, hoping students can acquire basic skills, such as cognition, communication and social skills, in the activities, in order to strength their generalization skills, instead of learning in isolated situations.
Through task analysis, students can learn according to the preset procedures. It also allows flexibility for teachers to further break down steps or skip steps according to students’ learning progress, until the students fully master the skills.
Visual strategies (e.g. flow charts, visual cue cards, etc.) are used to help students complete learning tasks.
A simulated workshop is set up at school to help students learn in authentic environment.
Learning contents of sex education is designed based on students’ age and needs, with role-plays, simulation activities and group discussions conducted to help students complete the learning goals.

Perceptual Motor
(Primary Section only)
Learning Goals:
To support students’ development of their sensory functions and training their sensory responses.
To enhance students’ motor skills so that they can perform precise movements.
To train and strengthen students’ sensory responses and the development and coordination of motor skills through a variety of activities.
To enhance students’ recognition on spatial positioning and spatial relationships.
To help students apply concepts and skills learned in daily life, so as to enhance their skills for independent living. As such, their living quality can be enriched and improved.
To facilitate students to use their sensory motor skills to explore the environment and to further develop the foundation for learning.
To raise students’ awareness to appreciate the goodness in life.
Curriculum Framework:
Perception Training:
Visual perception: gazing, visual tracking, object recognition, discriminating objects and background, spatial positioning and relationships, memory recalls and organization, developing coordination between visual and motor activities.
Auditory perception: auditory attention, auditory recognition, auditory memory and organization, developing coordination between auditory and motor activities.
Gustatory perception: recognition of flavours, recognition of textures, gustatory memory.
Olfactory perception: recognition of odor, relationship between sense of odor and taste, olfactory memory.
Tactile perception: recognition of different feelings, recognition of objects, tactile memory.
Sensory perception: identification of different senses in the body.
Motor Skills Training
Gross motor training: basic postures, training of limbs, and training of limb coordination.
Fine motor training: hand grip training, training of hands, hand-eye coordination, two-hand coordination.
Spatial Perceptual Training
Recognition of self and place: concept of physical existence of oneself, relationship between self and spatial positioning.
Recognition of objects and place: understand the concept of space; application of the concept in daily life.
During the beginning of the school year, teachers assess the ability level of the students for the learning contents in the unit, and set the learning baseline. Learning contents are decided based on each individual’s abilities and needs.
Teachers observe the learning performances of the students (e.g. class participation, performance in written exercises, etc.). The evaluation will be recorded in the Student Learning Plans and Unit Report to assess the learning progress of the students at different stages, so as to offer assistance to individual needs and help teachers to adjust learning focus and teaching strategies when appropriate.
By the end of the school term, teachers will summarize and evaluate the performances of the students by looking their performances during lessons and in the Unit Reports, in order to review the overall learning performances and progress of the students.
Features of the Curriculum:
The framework of “Target-oriented Curriculum” is adopted in the curriculum design. The framework is composed of four parts, i.e. Learning Goals, learning contents, curriculum strategies and assessments. It is a comprehensive and practical curriculum design.
Through games and competitions in lesson activities, students can learn with fun by actively participate in the activities. Teachers design different scenario-based practices according to real situations, so that students can master relevant skills and apply them to daily life.

Technology and Living
(Secondary Section only)
Learning Goals:
To promote a positive value towards family.
To allow students to become a diligent consumer, enhance living qualities of individual, family and society.
To develop good independent living and self-management skills.
To help students learn to solve problems related to dressing up and food in daily life by using appropriate skills and procedures.
To apply knowledge in food science and technology, or clothing, garments and textiles, in pursuit of quality living.
To understand the impact of social, cultural, economic, scientific and technological development towards individuals, family and the society.
To allow continuous and life-long learning in food or fashion related areas.
Curriculum Framework:
Home Management and Technology: household hygiene, home safety, laundry, consumer education
Food and Nutrition: food categories, functions of food, nutrition, food hygiene and safety, meal planning
Food Preparation and Processing: basic cooking tools, use and maintenance of electronic appliances, basic preparation work and cooking techniques, basic skills with cutlery, basic food preservation methods
Fabric and Clothing Construction: recognising fabrics, knowledge of sewing tools, basic sewing techniques, understanding stitches, needlework, clothing choices in different contexts
Learning goals, contents and plans are designed according to the analytical reports from the Personal Outcome Assessment for Students (POAS). Subject teachers then set learning goals, contents and plans based on the assessment results, ability level, learning needs and daily needs of the students.
Teachers perform progress evaluations during lessons, and record in the Student Learning Plans and Unit Reports to review students’ learning performances. Learning contents will be adjusted according to the learning progress of the students when necessary.
By the end of the school term, teachers will summarize and evaluate the performances of the students and record in the Academic Reports, in order to review the overall learning performances and progress of the students.
Features of the Curriculum:
Through task analysis, students can learn according to the preset procedures. It also allows flexibility for teachers to further break down steps or skip steps according to students’ learning progress, until the students fully master the skills.
Students can learn and practice in real situations during school routines, so as to enhance learning efficiency and help students generalize skills to different contexts.
Visual strategies (e.g. realia, visual cue cards, flow charts, etc.) are used to help students complete learning tasks.
Students participate in practical training with the help of teacher demonstrations.
Mass-trial practices, gestural prompts and verbal prompts are used to help students complete learning tasks.
Students can understand scientific principles behind food production through inquiry-based activities.

Computer Literacy
Learning Goals:
To master basic skills of computer applications, so as to fulfil needs in study or at work, and build a solid foundation for life-long learning.
To understand the impact of information technology on society, and build a positive value, attitude and confidence when using computers and media technology.
To promote interests in using computer and media technology, and to apply the knowledge into daily life.
Curriculum Framework:
Computer System:
Primary Section: Preparation before using computer, basic concepts of a computer system, basic concepts of tablets, mouse control, keyboard control, Chinese input method (Sucheng).
Secondary Section: Identification of hardware and software, understanding categories of software, understanding computer virus, understanding procedures of computer operations, understanding types of computer storage systems, types of computers.
Internet Usage:
Primary Section: Little Internet Guide, online surfing, attitudes when using internet
Secondary Section: School email system, making personal websites, understanding wireless networks, using social networking systems.
Data Processing and Presentation:
Primary Section: Understanding media players, using Paint, using PrintMagic, using WordPad, using digital cameras.
Secondary Section: Office software (Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel), using PhotoImpact, using Windows Movie Maker.
Programme encoding: ScratchJr, LEGO Education.
Learning baselines are set according to the assessments done before the unit. Teachers design learning goals, contents and plans according to the baseline assessments done, the students’ abilities, learning needs and needs in daily life.
Formative assessments are conducted during lessons. The evaluation will be recorded in the Student Learning Plans and Unit Report to assess the learning progress of the students. Teachers can then adjust the learning contents according to the students’ learning progress.
By the end of the school term, teachers will summarize and evaluate the performances of the students and record in the Academic Reports in order to have a full evaluation of students’ performance and progress.
Features of the Curriculum
Through progressive learning in different stages, students can master different knowledge and techniques. Students’ self-learning skills can also be enhanced through constructive learning.
Curriculum contents focus mainly on different media, with learning outcomes of the students presented in the modes that are close to their daily life (e.g. posters, personal websites, video clips, etc.). It is hoped to arouse interests of students, and at the same time it allows daily-life application, such that students can consolidate their learning and understanding better.

Learning Goals:
Develop music ideas and acquire skills of composition, together with performing and listening, to cultivate creativity and imagination.
Develop performing skills to experience and express music, with emphasis on cultivating music imagination and musicality in practice.
Allow students to comprehend, respond to and appraise music so as to nurture aesthetic sensitivity and awareness.
Understand the functions of music and the relationship between music and cultures.
Arouse interests in music and learning music through diverse musical activities, such as attending concerts, practising musical instruments, choir training, etc.
Curriculum Framework
Basic skills in sounds identification, identifying sounds of musical instruments, identifying rhythm, identifying timbre, appreciation of musical pieces.
- Basic skills in vocal production, singing techniques, music appraisal, playing instruments.
Music Composing:
- Creating movements, making sound effects, making rhythms, composing melodies, writing lyrics.
Students’ performance on listening, performing and creating is assessed through diverse assessment activities. Teachers identify the strengths and areas of improvements for the students for further guidance according to the observations in class, students’ self-evaluations and peer evaluations.
Formative assessments are conducted during lessons. The evaluation will be recorded in the Unit Reports to assess the learning progress of the students. Teachers can then adjust the learning contents according to the students’ learning progress.
By the end of the school term, teachers will summarize and evaluate the performances of the students and record in the Academic Reports in order to have a full evaluation of students’ performance and progress.
Features of the Curriculum
The curriculum is designed in coherence with the unit theme, unit activities and number of lessons. Different activities are held to achieve each Learning Goals, so as to arouse interests and enhance of the sense of success of the students.
Different teaching strategies are used to present subject knowledge, e.g. visual strategies are used to teach the recognition of notes; graphic organizations are used to present categories of Chinese and Western musical instruments; notation software is used to teach composing melodies.
Different types of music creation activities are used for students with different ability levels, e.g. DIY instruments, improvised music with instruments, melody composing with tablet applications, lyrics rewrite, etc.
Teachers design appropriate learning focus and learning activities to cater for the needs of students with learning difficulties, e.g. for students who are weaker in singing and reading music notes, they will be guided by the teacher to express songs through actions or dance.

Visual Arts
Learning Goals:
To use different techniques and tools to create through appropriate VA activities.
To inspire imaginations and ability to create.
To enhance ability to judge and to observe things around in daily life.
To enhance students interest in VA and develop the interest in VA for their leisure.
Curriculum Framework
- Knowledge
Learning modes and media:
Ceramic Art
Computer Aided Design
Students can understand more about their own development in VA skills through a variety of assessment activities, such as teacher observation in class, artworks creation, Student Learning Profiles, self-evaluation and peer evaluations.
Formative assessments are conducted during lessons. The evaluation will be recorded in the Unit Reports to assess the learning progress of the students. Teachers can then adjust the learning contents according to the students’ learning progress.
By the end of the school term, teachers will summarize and evaluate the performances of the students and record in the Academic Reports in order to have a full evaluation of students’ performance and progress.
Features of the Curriculum
Life-wide learning: Students engage in inquiry-based learning, design and showing visual arts works through activities inside and outside the school, and gain experience about aesthetics and arts.
Experiential learning: Students are encouraged to gain ideas for creation and appreciation the art works from things around in their daily life. They are also encouraged to learn through observation, so that they become more sensitive to details in their living.
Students are engaged in art creation through different media (e.g. sketching, drawing, printmaking, design, sculpture and craft, etc.), through the above activities, students are alo enhanced their communication skills and inquisitiveness.
Students participate in different internal and external visual arts activities and competitions with the help of different external resources. Our students have shown keen participation in expressing their creativity and sense of cooperation with others.
Our school has organized different exhibitions and activities to showcase students’ arts works to promote inclusion of the intellectual disabled individuals in society. At the same time, we hope to enhance our students’ creativity and skills to express with visual arts, so as to enrich their personal experiences and fruitful memories.

Physical Education
Learning Goals:
To acquire sports skills and knowledge so as to build a positive, active and healthy lifestyle.
To cultivate interests in different sports and develop a habit of appreciating and participating in different sport activities.
To promote development in motor skills so as to improve body coordination and fitness.
To understand the importance of co-operation through group activities, so as to build a sense of belonging and responsibility towards a team.
To cultivate an attitude of justice, perseverance and sportsmanship.
Curriculum Framework
Basic Activities (Primary Section)
- Primary Section: Games, body control, sports object manipulative skills
Athletics (Primary and Secondary Section)
- Track events, Field events
Basketball (Primary and Secondary Section)
- Game, passing, dribbling, catching and shooting, , competition
Football (Primary and Secondary Section)
- Game, passing, dribbling and shooting, competition
- Game, underarm pass, overarm pass, smash, underarm serving a ball, competition
Handball (Primary and Secondary Section)
- Game, underarm pass, overarm pass, smash, underarm serve a ball, competition
Badminton (Primary and Secondary Section)
- Game, serve a ball, different strokes, steps
Table tennis (Primary and Secondary Section)
- Game, forehand stroke, block, serve a ball, receiving
Dancing (Primary and Secondary Section)
- Folkdance, creative dance, modern dance
Shuttlecock (Primary and Secondary Section)
- Game, knee kick, kick with inside of the foot, top of the foot, outside of the foot
Rope skipping (Primary and Secondary Section)
- Game, single freestyles, pair freestyles
Gymnastics (Primary and Secondary Section)
- Bench activities, mat-work, gymnastics equipment
Physical fitness (Primary and Secondary Section)
- Duration run on treadmills, fitness exercise bikes, rowing machines, other physical fitness training
Others (Primary and Secondary Section)
- School-based swimming training, outdoor education camps, sports days
Students can understand more about their own development in VA skills through a variety of assessment activities, such as teacher observations in class, artworks creation, Student Learning Profiles, self-evaluation and peer evaluations.
Formative assessments are conducted during lessons. The evaluation will be recorded in the Unit Reports to assess the learning progress of the students. Teachers can then adjust the learning contents according to the students’ learning progress.
By the end of the school term, teachers will summarize and evaluate the performances of the students and record in the Academic Reports in order to have a full evaluation of students’ performance and progress.
Features of the Curriculum
To encourage our students to develop an active and healthy lifestyle, there are morning exercise periods regularly held every week (e.g., exercise with the school song, towel exercise, Happy Exercise Together). Fitness Class is introduced to students who are required more exercise.
Fitness tests are conducted regularly to create a mindset of maintaining fitness. It is hoped that students pay more attention to their own fitness conditions and hence participate in training for improvement. They are also encouraged to cultivate an effective and suitable exercising habit for themselves.
Sports training are held regularly to encourage students to cultivate sportsmanship during their participation in sports activities.

Learning Goals:
To cultivate interest and a habit of reading to improve student’s reading skills and allow them to learn to use libraries properly.
Curriculum Framework
Knowing the School Library
- Facilities and rules
Caring for Books
- Wash hands before reading and keep library books clean
Do not make library books dirty
Do not eat and drink while reading
Do not take off the book jackets or tear off pages from books
Return books to the carts
Put the borrowed books into the reading folder
Gently turn pages when reading
Use a bookmark properly when needed
Be careful when using 3D books
Rules in Library
- Do not talk loudly
Queue up when borrowing books
Return the books on time
Report to the teachers if the books are damaged
Be aware of the borrowing system
Reading skills
Basic understanding (book cover, contents page, preface, author, publisher)
Reading strategies (e.g., 5W1H reading skills, sequencing pictures, storytelling, making predictions by using the front cover or headings, seeking information by questioning)
Clarifying the meaning of unknown words with the use of a dictionary
Using the content page to get a rough idea of what are included in the book and which page to find it on
Book searching
- Genres
Bookshelf sorting
Book index
Search for books on computers
Online reading
- Logging in related websites
Skills of downloading information from the internet
Cultivating a good online reading habit
Features of the Curriculum
Students have library period once every week. A wide range of learning activities (including listening to storytelling, reading e-books, role-play, book lending service, creating school-based library books) are introduced to cultivate reading skills, interests, and a sense of responsibilities. At the same time, we encourage parent-child reading to improve communication among the family, so as to promote a reading interest and establish good parent-child relationship.
Talks, Story Day and related competitions are held to allow students to have the opportunity to appreciate and learn the skills in expressing stories in order to build up their confidence in language use.
Students can borrow books at the School Library located on 6/F during Library lessons, so that they familiarize themselves with the library facilities. Students can also play and share toys at the Toy’s Corner in the library to practise social skills.

Other Learning Experience
Learning Goals
To develop and nurture students’ potential, interests and enhance their diversified developments, apart from the basic subject, we have introduced a school-based curriculum for Other Learning Experiences (OLE) (for Basic Education Curriculum). With this, we aim to offer students a variety of learning experiences, with reference to the mode of learning of the OLE in NSS curriculum.
Curriculum Framework
Our school-based OLE (P1-S3) curriculum offers programmes under 12 different aspects. Students have a 60 minutes OLE lesson every week. Depending on the learning content, each programme may span over one or two units. Teachers will set learning targets on knowledge, skills and attitude at the beginning of each unit, and evaluate the learning outcome of the students by the end of the unit. The following diagram shows 12 different aspects covered in the OLE (P1-S3) curriculum.