Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West Hong Chi Morninghope School
Senior Secondary Curriculum

Senior Secondary Education Curriculum
The goals of senior secondary curriculum are to enhance students’ language and arithmetic skills according to their needs and cognitive development, widen their knowledge foundation and strengthen their independent learning ability and social skills through various activities, so that they can be well-prepared for their own living upon graduation.
Target students:
Students in mild ID group or moderate ID group and have completed S3.
Curriculum aims:
With the foundation built from the learning outcomes from their basic education, we hope to further improve students’ academic knowledge, life skills, independence and coping skills, and to cultivate learning autonomy, such that they will be able to handle different daily life issues, and can eventually integrate into the community.
Basic academic knowledge
Self-care skills and coping skills
Practical skills training
Multiple intelligence
Self-realization and the ability to protect one’s benefits
Positive work attitudes and good habits
Features of the curriculum:
Develop ability for inquiry-based learning in order to develop students initiative to learn
Enhance decision-making ability
Active utilization of community resources
Cross-discipline collaboration
Life-wide Learning activities
Develop students’ interests and potentials
Regular practices:
My Journal (to express one’s feelings through writing a piece of journal every day)
Reading Fun (news clipping exercises every Wednesday and Friday)
Social adaptation training
Lunch Outing (training at restaurant nearby the school every Wednesday)
1.Chinese Language
Learning Goals:
To enhance reading, writing, listening and speaking skills; to strength independent thinking and critical thinking skills and creativity.
To cultivate an appreciation of Chinese literature, develop morality; to help students understand their personal abilities, aptitudes and strengths so as to plan for their future learning, adulthood and job training; to foster a sense of responsibility towards their family, the society and the country.
To develop the interests to learn, active attitudes and positive values.
Features of the curriculum:
Features of the curriculum:
Balance for reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills
For senior secondary, a focus should be put on developing the integrated language skills of the students, and develop various language skills to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning
Integrating learning with daily life
Students’ personal daily experiences should be fully utilized and cooperate with the general environment of language use in the society, so that the skills learned inside and outside the classroom can be integrated well. This helps students to learn in real life situations and social environment, and increase their opportunities to use the language, which will result in an all-round learning outcome.
Integration with thinking skills training
Thinking is the beginning of language development and thinking skills contribute to an essential part during understanding and expressing with language. Thinking skills trainings is integrated while developing language skills.
Learning Goals:
To consolidate and further develop mathematics knowledge, skills and concepts;
To cope with the needs for mathematics in future work and daily life;
To solve daily life problems and problems in other subjects with mathematics skills, so as to build a foundation for life-long learning;
To cultivate generic skills such as numeracy, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, creativity, etc.
To cultivate a positive learning attitude and interests towards mathematics;
To build the ability and confidence to apply mathematics skills in daily life.
Features of the curriculum:
- Inquiry-based learning:
Elements of inquiry-based learning are included in the subject. Teachers create meaningful contexts in related topics, and encourage students to explore and discover information through open-ended questions, group discussions, inquiry studies, experiments and hands-on practices to strengthen their thinking skills and problem-solving skills.
Collaborative learning:
Collaborative learning can enhance students’ motivations, inspire their curiosity, and students have more opportunities to interact and discuss. It also inspires thinking, deducing and making judgements. In general, collaborative learning is found to be effective for training generic skills, it is also successful to train thinking skills training for of mathematics.
Diversified learning activities:
Student-oriented teaching methods that are lively, interesting, and meaningful class activities can guide students to self-learning, and increase their participation in learning. As concrete objects are more easily understood compared to abstract concepts, diversified learning activities allow students to learn from experience and practical situations so that they can absorb knowledge more easily.
Realistic resources
The constructs of mathematical concepts are often abstract. However, the manifestation of learning should be concrete. Thus, teachers mainly use resources and ideas from daily life to create meaningful contexts in teaching, so that students can understand the actual meaning and application of the mathematical concepts in daily life.
3.Citizenship and Social Development
Learning Goals:
To acquire a broad knowledge base, and to understand contemporary issues that may affect impact on students’ lives at personal, community, national and global levels.
To become an informed and responsible citizen with a sense of global and national identity.
To respect pluralism of cultures and views, and become a critical, reflective and independent thinker.
To acquire necessary skills to life-long learning and be confident individuals who can future challenges.
Themes and topics:
Hong Kong under “One Country, Two Systems”
- The meaning and implementation of “one country, two systems”
Sense of National identity
Characteristics of cultural diversity of the Hong Kong society
Our Country since Reform and Opening-up
Change in people’s life and overall national strength
The development of our country China and the integration of Hong Kong into the overall national development
Participation in international affairs
Interconnectedness and Interdependence of the Contemporary World
Economic globalization
Technological development and information literacy
Sustainable development
Public health and human health of individuals
#Mainland Study Tour Chinese - Culture and modern life
1.Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Curriculum aims:
- This subject aims to equip students with basic knowledge, concepts and application skills related to information, communication, and computer systems, so that students can solve daily life problems and eventually cultivate intelligence and life-long learning skills.
Learning contents:
- Information Processing
Office automation software
Word processors (WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT)
- Information Processing
Computer System Fundamentals
Basic Machine Organization
System software
Computer system
Internet and its application
Networking and Internet Basics
Develop and control in web browser
Basic machine organization for web publications
Multi-media Production
Application of PhotoImpact
Application of digital camera
Create MV with Corel VideoStudio
Optical disc authoring
Social Implications
Intellectual Property
Security on the Internet
2.Technology and Living (Home Economics)
Curriculum aims:
- With the basic learning foundation through the strands “Food Science and Technology” and “Fashion, Clothing and Textiles” students can review their own life style through discussion related to current issues on food and clothing. As such, they will learn to make wise decision in daily life and develop personal interests and improve their quality of life.
Learning contents:
- Family Dimension
- Understand functions of family
Understand roles and responsibilities of family members
Learn to love one’s family, treasure and build a harmonious family
Understand factors influencing consumer choices of food and clothing
Understand individual personal consumption patterns
Cultivate good habits as consumers
Food Science and Technology
- Nutrition and health
Balanced diet and meal planning
Food preparation technology
Food preservation
Food culture
Fashion, Clothing and Textiles
- Basic clothing design
Clothing and personal image
Textile technology
Clothing production
3.Visual Arts
Curriculum aims:
- The subject aims to enhance students’ knowledge in arts and their skills in creating artworks in order to enrich their aesthetic and artistic experiences. It is hoped that students’ personal lifestyle can be cultivated and thus their interests in visual arts will be promoted, such that they will actively participate in art-related activities and have a healthy lifestyle. The subject also aims to develop students’ potentials in art through learning knowledge in arts, acquiring art skills, creating art pieces, art appreciation and criticism.
Learning contents:
- Visual arts creation
- Explore different medium in art creation in order to acquire skills such as sketching, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, design, etc., and participate in individual art creation.
Art appreciation and criticism
- Understand basic visual terms and language and art concepts in order to learn how acquire means to appreciate artworks.
Curriculum aims:
- The emphasis of the subject is put on promoting students’ knowledge in music, performance skills and creation skills. Through various music trainings and learning experiences in activities; including music creation, performance and appreciation, it is hoped to strengthen students’ sense of rhythm and skills in music expressions, such that their interests in music will be promoted, and they will actively participate in music-related activities, build up a fruitful lifestyle and cultivate a lifelong interest in music.
Learning contents:
Appreciate pieces from different genres
Identify music elements in musical pieces
Appreciate music and express personal preferences
Singing and musical instruments performance
Different types of musical creation, e.g. musical movements, vocals and rhythmic patterns
5.Physical Education
Curriculum aims:
- The curriculum focuses on theory and practical experience. Relevant concepts and theories are introduced to students while teaching the techniques, such that students can learn while experiencing. On one hand, it is hoped that students’ sports skills can be improved so that they can build up a habit of participating in sports and recreational activities, thus leading an active and healthy life. On the other hand, through enhancing students’ understanding of different sports, they can learn to appreciate sports cultures and the aesthetic values of sports.
Learning contents:
Practical skills
Fundamental movement Basic sports skills
Orientation activities
Regular sports
Theories and concepts
Body maintenance Strength and fitness (human body, fitness and nutrition, sports injuries)
Self Enhancement (psychological skills, movements analysis, training methods)
Care for the community (history and development, social aspects, values of sport, sports and recreation management)
Other Learning Experience
To enrich students’ experiences and to widen students’ horizons
To cultivate interests and build up a healthy lifestyle
To develop lifelong learning skills and prepared for future of life and work
To nurture positive values and attitudes
Lesson Mode:
At the beginning of the school term, an introductory session will be held to allow students to choose their lessons based on their abilities and interests.
Every term, students will participate in different classes to broaden their learning experiences.
Students are required to attend OLE (Other Learning Experiences) classes every Monday afternoon and Thursday morning.
1.Values Education
To cultivate positive values and attitudes in students, helping them understand values and make decisions when faced with challenges at various stages of growth. This prepares them for future life challenges.
Classes / Activities:
Life and Self-demeanour class
Eco-friendly Environmental Team
2.Community Service
"Service Learning" emphasises on gaining learning outcomes through service. It integrates social service into the curriculum, allowing students to plan, execute, reflect, and evaluate their service experiences to foster growth.
Classes / Activities:
Students Service Team
Community Cleanup Team
Flag Selling
3.Work-Related Experience
To enable students to understand the real-world job landscape, nurturing correct values and attitudes. This involves organised learning activities through work experience or simulations, preparing them for lifelong learning and facing future challenges.
Classes / Activities:
RC Cafe
RC Campus TV
Simulation Workshop Internship
External Organisations Work Experience
4.Artistic Development
Students learn about art through appreciation and creation. Engaging with art enhances their taste and character, helping establish positive values and attitudes.
Classes / Activities:
Leisure Arts
Enjoy and appreciate Music
Visit Art Exhibitions
Participate in Concerts
To educate students through physical activities, enhancing skills needed for various activities to promote an active and healthy lifestyle.
Classes / Activities:
Taekwondo class